
Jonathan Wilson, Principal + Creative Director

JDub Industries was founded and managed by Jonathan Wilson. After creating his first web site in 1998, crafting positive experiences on the web became Jonathan's passion. For seven years, Jonathan served as a web designer and content manager for a university research institute where he was engaged in the development and management of web initiatives funded by the US Departments of Health and Education. He was a freelancer prior to that for ad agencies and medium sized businesses in the Seattle and Atlanta markets. Jonathan has a fine arts degree in photography with a minor in communications and has studied photography, film and graphic design in New York, Paris and Prague. He serves on the board of directors of the Tampa Graphic Design Meetup and the Bay Area Media Network. An avid cruising and racing sailor, he also enjoys kayaking on Florida's sleepy rivers.

Hello! We create things like web sites and logos. Get to know us by looking at our work and available services.